Monday, December 5, 2011

A Holiday Smoosh

I thought I would start this entry off with some cuteness. You can't deny those faces. I just realized that I need to post a picture of my 5 year old bunny, Reese. My parents brought him down from PA where he's been for the past year due to me moving so much. Speaking of my parents here's a sneak peek of my Thanksgiving shindig

These are literally the only 2 photos I have from Thanksgiving dinner because I became too preoccupied with cooking and then once dinner was served I came to realize that my camera battery was dead :-( It really wasn't that bad considering that I was only cooking for 4 people, we didn't need that much food and the mess was easy to clean at the end. Ants invaded the apple pie while it was sitting on the counter overnight, so apparently that particular clan got to participate in Thanksgiving as well....

The day after Thanksgiving after my parents had left and we were back from a rather easy Black Friday trip we put up our tree!!!

I bought all of this 2 years ago when I was with my ex-husband and it was at his house last year in storage so I finally got to take all of this out again and be festive! It's really nice to be with someone who enjoys spending holidays with me. Andrew decorated it with me and hung ornaments and lights up and just about every night we have been putting the lights on and enjoying the view from our couches. Ahhhh, don't you just love the holidays?!?!

Here's some more internet whoring. I just put these up in my shop
Why does 9:30pm feel like I've been up til midnight? Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm going to be 28....I'm just getting too old.

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